We are shaped by our genes, upbringing, and character. We inherit genes from distant and close ancestors. Education is the type of values instilled in us by our parents, who in turn acquired these values from their ancestors, and character is all that integrated into one whole that we more or less project onto our surroundings. What we project largely depends on ourselves.


Our two “boys” embody all these elements. They follow the family philosophy and values, possess pure genes, and have matured alongside older siblings. Finally it’s time for them to project all this onto their surroundings, particularly onto us. How we absorb their projection depends on our expectations. The bar is set high. Of course when it´s packaged beautifully in a 0.7 bottle with a design reminiscent of their older siblings, we expect a lot from them, especially when we see their dark brown color in the glass. By daylight, Terra appears just a bit darker, though the difference is subtle.


Boys will be boys. Teenagers will be teenagers. So, if we stick our noses to the teenagers’ business we are not gonna find out anything more than the facts they are willing to  show us. Oak, vanilla, toffee… Maybe Terra shows us more tropical notes than the 12 year old, but in fact they are quite similar. Maybe if we stick our noses long and deep enough we’re gonna find out that 12 Years is more spicy, and Terra packs that pepper and spiciness more refined. Three years of age difference plays a role. However they are nice, or they are acting like that. They don’t punch us in the nose with alcohol vapors. Although not so strong and not yet. 



Speaking of punches…

They use sticks made of oak to punch us. Oh my oak… But both rums combine flavors of oak, caramel and spices like cinnamon and ginger beautifully. In the 12-year-old, a slight lack of maturation is noticeable, with a more pronounced pepper flavor, while Terra integrates these elements more smoothly. Remarkably, both rums develop a natural sweetness without additives, confirmed by our measurements.


According to some female rumors, the thing that separates real men from boys is how they finish. No matter how ambiguous this sounds, we have to agree. There is a kick, there is real sweetness without additives, there is a gentlemen’s fire inside them … But how long does it last? Is the finish continuous or it varies from sip to sip.

That answer should be found in ourselves, and the way this rums reflects on us.


Despite possessing all the essential elements of rum—flavors of caramel, honey, spices, and a pleasant alcohol burn—they still find their place in the middle, between mixing and sipping rums. Ultimately, it depends on us and our mood as we absorb what these rums offer. For now, they are mature enough to be placed next to the big boys, but not yet equal players.

Furthermore, what makes us even more curious is knowing that we will reward the boys with chocolate next Sunday. After all, who can resist chocolate… No one regardless of age and maturity.


To determine the presence of added sugar in a rum sample by analyzing the alcohol content measured with a hydrometer and comparing it to the declared alcohol content on the bottle.


  1. Measurement:
    • Volume of Rum: 150 ml
    • Temperature of Rum: 25.6°C
    • Hydrometer Reading: 42% alcohol
  2. Temperature Correction: Hydrometers are typically calibrated for measurements at 20°C. According to the Notimin tables, a hydrometer reading of 42% alcohol at 25°C corresponds to an alcohol content of 40% when adjusted to 20°C. Given the measured temperature is 25.6°C, this slight difference is negligible for practical purposes. Therefore, the corrected alcohol percentage is approximately 40%.
  3. Comparison with Declared Alcohol Content: The label on the rum bottle declares an alcohol content which we assume to be equivalent to the hydrometer reading at the calibration temperature of 20°C. For this analysis, we assume the declared alcohol percentage is 40%.
  4. Assessment of Added Sugar: According to the methodology outlined on drecon.dk, if the measured alcohol percentage, after temperature correction, matches the declared alcohol percentage within a margin of ±0.3%, the rum is considered to have no significant added sugar (0-5 grams per liter), as per European regulations.


  • Corrected Alcohol Percentage (at 20°C): 40%
  • Declared Alcohol Percentage on Bottle: 40%
  • Deviation: 0%


The measured alcohol percentage, when corrected for temperature, aligns perfectly with the declared alcohol percentage on the bottle. The deviation of 0% falls well within the acceptable margin of ±0.3%. Therefore, we conclude that the rum contains no significant added sugar, consistent with European regulations, indicating an added sugar content of 0 to 5 grams per liter.

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