“Never delay kissing a pretty girl or opening a bottle of whiskey.”
Or this case a bottle of rum. Or both, because this femme fatale is fearless latina. She takes matters into her own hands and makes it clear.
fortiter in re suaviter in modo meaning pleasantly in manner, powerfully in deed.
Just be a gentleman and show manners. Don’t be a weak man who doesn’t know his way.
Approach the girl wholeheartedly, without hidden intentions, but still with style and let her seduce you with her perfume, taste, memory of her…

The more she breathes in the glass the more she reveals. Furthermore her “perfume” on the first shows some orange and toffee notes, but as the time goes by she seduces me with some dark fruits, caramels and vanilla in the background. We could say classic rum notes on the nose, but I would just add: Classic, usual, but also consistent.
Or better say a kiss. Sweet as caramel and a little bit bitter as molasses, but without additives we could say, if it is not too early. Smooth but still it burns a bit at the beginning, just to wake you up from your possible sleep and tell you that this is reality. Yes it is real. She is real too. Honestly real without complexity. Straight and emphasized notes, without hidden intentions or aromas that are developing itself later.

In summary, if you don’t let the rum breathe first in the glass, the aftertaste will include leather and oak notes on the first sip. Like some kind of defense mechanism that this lady has. As we give her space and air, the finish is longer and it transforms itself from oak and leather into a lingering sweet and smooth kiss with balanced, well-suited orange lipstick. As a result this could be a great whole evening kisser, I mean sipper rum.
Never be cold to any lady, especially to a lady who doesn’t deserve that. For this reason we will not test her on the ice. She is an exceptional lady and with this in mind were gonna make an exception here.
She deserves much better. Maybe a cup of coffee or chocolate. Or both…,,
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