LE MUST SAVANNA With new years decisions you have to be tough, you need to have your attitude and signature. You must be yourself, or

SAVANNA LE MUST Every new year we make new decisions,we give ourselves promises that we usually don’t keep. “I’m gonna lose weight & travel to

J.GOW SPICED RUM Day 23 of 24. If Jack Sparrow were a Scottish… Orkney rum from Lamb Holm island was inspired by pirates and matured

DAMOISEAU V.O. GUADELOUPE Day 22 of 24. These drams are opposite of their Caribbean cousins. The age statement is something different than on other rums

WHISTLER AFRICAN RUM SPECIAL EDITION Day 21 of 24 The more we go, the more we are confused.This dram comes from South Africa, a land

WILLIAM HINTON RUM 5 CASKS AGED 3 YEARS Day 20 of 24. This blended dram is ex-perienced player, who played 3 years in casks from

NOVO FOGO CHAMELEON Day 19 of 24. This “new fire” runs down all the facts we know about cachaça. From single pot destilation and ageing

RHUM JM TERROIR VOLCANIQUE Day 13 of 24. This young dram is bringing us a dash from the underground. Raised on Martinique sugar cane fields

CIHUATÁN CINABRIO AGED RUM 12 YEARS Day 11 of 24. This beautiful cinnabar hummingbird flew here from the smallest country in Central America, Salvador. LAND:

Day 8 of 24. This limited rum with natural color from Guatemala was distilled in the distillery in SA Tululà, where it was batched in