LA HECHICERA RESERVA FAMILIAR To summarize this remarkable month with La Hechicera Reserva Familiar we decided to try a few cocktails with her. Old Fashioned

LA HECHICERA RESERVA FAMILIAR First thing to remember when we are under spells of femme fatale is that we are never going to get enough

LA HECHICERA RESERVA FAMILIAR When we believe that our life is special, then we also have to believe that the people who enter our lives

LE MUST RHUM Cocktails n’ Sunday. And rain n´ Le Must Rhum. Not the best atmosphere for chilling, but it has its advantages. When we

LE MUST SAVANNA RHUM “I’m gonna eat less candy.” One of the most usuall decisions that we make every year, every day, every month just

DAMOISEAU V.O. GUADELOUPE Day 22 of 24. These drams are opposite of their Caribbean cousins. The age statement is something different than on other rums

PLANTATION BARBADOS RUM AGED 5 YEARS Day 12 of 24. This blend of Column and Pot still distillation was first aged in Barbados for 3-4

CIHUATÁN CINABRIO AGED RUM 12 YEARS Day 11 of 24. This beautiful cinnabar hummingbird flew here from the smallest country in Central America, Salvador. LAND:

NAGA SIAM EDITION 10 Day 10 of 24. When people say Indonesia, they don’t think of the original home of sugar cane plants, and they