WILLIAM HINTON RUM 5 CASKS AGED 3 YEARS Day 20 of 24. This blended dram is ex-perienced player, who played 3 years in casks from

BATAVIA ARRACK COGNAC CASK Day 17 of 24. Debatable by its way of fermentation and by its ageing period, this interesting rum is quite new

DIPLOMÁTICO SELECCIÓN DE FAMILIA Family time in your home town creates home feeling and brings you to the times when you were younger, and no

DOS MADERAS SELECCIÓN Cocktails n’ Sundays… Sounds like perfect combination for all chilling in these hot days, and these two cocktails are perfect pair to

DOS MADERAS SELECCIÓN I wish I have champagne to celebrate the result in reality, but luckily this is a rum blog, so for now we