DAIQUIRI. THE COCKTAIL Interesting fact about this famous cocktail is that is invented not by the bartender or some chef in the kitchen. It is

PROJECT CHRISTMAS IN LOVE WITH RUM Festive twist of rum Old Fashioned PREPARATION Add all iingredients in the mixing glass Add ice Stir for 30

PROJECT CHRISTMAS IN LOVE WITH RUM MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I want to raise a toast for all of you out there who managed trought these

PROJECT CHRISTMAS IN LOVE WITH RUM “Simple is beautiful.” Just a simple square glass bottle, plastic sealed wooden cork, light brown color and the christmas

PROJECT CHRISTMAS IN LOVE WITH RUM “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas Toys in every store But the prettiest sight to see is

ZACAPA RUM NO.23 “Cause it’s a bittersweet symphony, that’s life…” Definitely it is a life, a good life, a perfect match. Combining Zacapa 23 together

ZACAPA RUM NO.23 Last Sunday we met our player with his palm petate bracelet handmade by Guatemalan weavers. We heard his story and we liked