Bitter and sweet was always my winning combination, but this Sunday near the chocolate I have Macanudo Inspirado Black Robusto from Dominican Republic. Now in our combination from both worlds we added some other worlds, because Macanudo Inspirado Black is only coming from Dominican Republic, but her core is made from Nicaraguas and Ecuadors tobacco.

Solid and dark next to the Dos Maderas Selección, makes this dark rum on the first sight quite white or better say bleached. Besides that this cigar is perfect companionship for a long relaxing evenings with Dos Maderas Selección. With her well build body, this cigars offers smoking time from 45 to 90 minutes. For my part I had whole hour fulfilled with creamy coffee and cacao notes in combination with sweet rum notes. One sip of Dos Maderas Selección in fusion with Macanudo Inspirado Black created a quite fascinating chocolate taste, so real that I had to take a piece of dark 90% chocolate just to compare it. Almost the same! A bitter sweet symphony…

Probably most of the consumers wouldn’t like this combination, and I would suggest them first to try with maybe Macanudo White Series. I tried all three series, and I can say that white series isn’t much bitter at the end, and it is creamier, but this is my Sunday and this will be a sort of goodbye with Dos Maderas Selección. We had a nice five weeks (me even more) with this interesting rum, and I wanted to finish this month in my style, as I like. Well rounded cigar with versatile rum, rum that in every combination, no matter with(out) ice or in cocktails, always offers new experience and new dimension. Not so many rums can do that.

Lots of rum experts call Dos Maderas rums “sherry colored” rums. They are right, rum is the spirit, which is under everyone’s influence, and every country/producer is trying to shape it on the way how they want it, and as a result we have more and more interesting and “interesting” rums, but on the other hand rules without rules are creating more space for misfeasance. Different colorings, enormous amounts of sugar and additives are pushing real rums in the shadow and allowing rum products to come on the scene and present themselves as premium rums.

To conclude, on one hand we have to respect heritage and process of making and producing rum, because if we do not strive for it we will lose the rum in its original form. But on the other hand if we take a look on rums purpose, I would say that if rum did his mission, if it offered me, as a consumer quite good and interesting time, then on the one moment we should put all that things on the side and enjoy the moment, at least for that one moment.