ZACAPA RUM No.23 “Baby its cold outside…” How about we play today some old fashion way? Classic movies, classic cocktails, vintage music and good old
Author: V.S.
A social misanthrope who drinks rum smokes cigars and writes craps.

Zacapa Rum No.23 Old Fashioned Twist on a rum twist of the famous classic Old Fashioned Cocktail PREPARATION Add all iingredients in the mixing glass

ZACAPA RUM NO.23 “Cause it’s a bittersweet symphony, that’s life…” Definitely it is a life, a good life, a perfect match. Combining Zacapa 23 together

ZACAPA RUM NO.23 Last Sunday we met our player with his palm petate bracelet handmade by Guatemalan weavers. We heard his story and we liked

RON ZACAPA 23 I don’t know have you noticed it but it is getting colder outside. Mojitos and Daiquiris are slowly going in the shadow